Friday’s fundraising night at the Kingdom Greyhound Stadium, Tralee, was a great success. The evening was held to assist with the funding of the 5th annual Christmas in Killarney Festival, which will ensure the continued success of the festival, now one of the leading and most recognised Christmas Festivals in the country.
With a huge turnout, everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time with friends and family, especially those who placed lucky bets on the night! Also Santa seemed to have come early to some with a number of prizes being giving out throughout the night.
The Battle of the Sports Novelty Relay race was won by Padraig Nagle and Orla Bruton from Mastergeeha Soccer Club. Killarney Celtic were the runner up, (Sean Daly and Terrence Moriarty).
Joint Chairman John Healy stated “We are very thankful for the support we received on the night from the community. Not just those of you who turned up, but also to all who donated prizes which were giving out on the night.”
For those of you who didn’t get a chance to come along on the night, there will be many other ways to help support the festival including a ‘Fashion Night’, sponsored by RSVP Magazine, on Friday 13th November at The Malton.
In the coming weeks more new and exciting Christmas in Killarney events and activities will be announced including the popular Celebration of Christmas at St Mary’s Cathedral. Details of these will be on the website A Facebook page will also be set up for the festival, embracing this new form of on-line socialising and networking, which will keep people up to date on all the events and activities throughout the coming months and during the festival.