On Tuesday 17th November, TV3’s Noel Cunningham officially launched a brand new cookbook which will raise funds for TLC4CF. “Food 4 Thought” by Breda O’Shaughnessy, was launched at Woodlands House Hotel in Adare, by the charming and vivacious host of Ireland am.
TLC4CF is a fundraising initiative formed by the Tipperary, Limerick and Clare branches of the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland (CFAI) to help improve services, facilities and in turn improve lives for all people living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in the Mid West Region. 100% of the proceeds from sales of the glossy new cookbook, priced at just €10 will go towards improving facilities in MWRH and in particular to provide a CF out-patient clinic and 9 high spec. ensuite inpatient rooms for CF patients.
Kindly hosted by the Fitzgerald Family, the book launch was a great success with guests enjoying a Christmas floral demonstration by Woodland House Hotel’s resident florist, as well as getting a taste of the hotel’s “Revas Spa” and gift ideas from Blue Willow, Adare. On the night, special guest Noel Cunningham judged the “Best Dressed Lady” competition which was won by Phil O’Shea from Rathkeale, who walked away with a beautiful Newbridge Silverware neckpiece and earrings and dinner for two at the Dunraven Arms Hotel in Adare.
The launch of “Food 4 Thought” was organised by the Limerick Branch of TLC4CF who thanked everyone who attended for their support. Speaking at the launch Liam O Kelly said “At present the facilities we have in the Mid West for Adult people with CF are very basic and all proceeds from the sales of this new cookbook will go towards improving this situation. We would like to sincerely thank all those involved in bringing us to fruition. The vital funds raised will directly improve the lives of so many people in the Mid West region who are fighting a daily battle with Cystic Fibrosis.”
Cystic Fibrosis – or CF is Ireland’s most common life threatening, genetically inherited disease. Approximately 1 in 19 people are carriers of the CF gene; and when two carriers parent a child there is a 1 in 4 chance of the child being born with CF. CF affects the glands, damaging many organs including the lungs, pancreas, digestive tract and reproductive system. The result is that people with CF (PWCF) are very prone to recurring damaging lung infections that require frequent hospital visits for treatment on both an out-patient and in-patient basis. The potential of cross infection while attending hospital is of grave concern to people with CF.
The number of adults CF patients attending Mid Western Regional Hospital (MWRH) is steadily increasing all the time as people living with CF (PWCF) are surviving longer. The priority of TLC4CF will be to significantly improve facilities in MWRH.
For further information on “Food 4 Thought” and TLC4CF, and information on how you could help this worthy cause; or to receive a fundraising pack please call Liam O’Kelly on (086) 2675963 or Caitriona Hayes (087-9584843) or email info@tlc4cf.com. Information and a downloadable information pack can also be found on www.tlc4cf.com. Books can be purchased directly from Caitriona Hayes at 097-9584843
Donations can be made directly through any AIB branch or online banking. TLC4CF Bank Account: Allied Irish Bank, A/C No: 04310137, Sort Code 93-50-93.
TLC4CF is a branch of the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland (CFAI).