Welcome to the fifth of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be proud of.
Next up is the shopping-loving, ketchup-hating Mary!

- Tell us something about you that nobody else in the team might know.
I have a phobia of ketchup.. won’t even touch the bottle.

- What film have you watched more than five times?
Loads! I am a serial re-watcher.
- What work are you most proud of in the past year?
Jumping back into agency life and dipping my toe in the corporate side of things for a change.
- Dream job?
Professional shopper.. for myself 🙂
- Favourite brand? – Why?
Not sure if I’d say favourite brand, but I definitely buy the most from Zara! Although the sizing frustrates the life out of me I always go back. I also find its marketing strategy (particularly the lack of advertising) very interesting..
- Favourite Holiday Destination?
New York in winter.

- Best lesson from your career?
“It’s PR, not ER”
- Eurovision or World Cup?
World Cup
- Who is the joker on the team?
Ciarán.. at least he tries to be.
- Recommend a podcast.
My Therapist Ghosted Me.
- Reality shows – Love or Hate?
Love some, hate others.
- Dinner party with 3 people – dead or alive – who do you invite?
Freddie Mercury, Princess Diana & Tommy Tiernan.

- If you could be anywhere in the world – where would you be & what would you do?
Perched by a pool in Greece with a cocktail in hand
- Who is your role model?
No particular role model per se, but I take inspiration from a lot of different people
- What was your first job?
Behind the bar in TP Cotter’s in Macroom.
- Death Row meal?
This is tough.. Either a KC’s or Lennox’s
- Favourite book?
Atomic Habits by James Clear.
- Your a grammar nazi oar not?
A little bit, but more recently I have become the victim of it!

- First album you bought or downloaded?
Almost sure it was ‘There’s a Whole Lot of Loving Going On’ by Six.. My sister bought it for me – Ironically, I think I was 6 when it was released!
- Work from home – or office?
80/20 work from home.. No commute is, dare I say, life changing!
- Most memorable ad slogans – why?
Nike ‘Just Do It’. It’s short, straight to the point and communicates the brand’s key message.

Mary O’Mahony is a Senior Account Executive at Fuzion Communications, full service marketing and PR agency, with offices in Cork and Dublin.