Blog: Don’t shrink to fit!

Shrink to fit blog post by Christine Tobin

It’s not just Word documents that need some editing now and then.

The older I get, the more I examine my style of communication – whether at home with my kids and husband, having dinner with my in-laws or even, at work with my team. People are often tweaking, editing, and spell-checking themselves to fit in. But should we bother with that?

I was once scolded by an Irish boss for having a thick Kerry accent! But while working in New Zealand, my accent was celebrated and made me memorable because it was different.

As an ambivert, who loves people but also solitude, the best advice I ever received was “never shrink to fit”.

This did come from a potty-mouthed business consultant I worked with who wanted to use swear words in her content. Her sales motto was – “You must repel to attract”.

She meant that by being the truest version of yourself, you will attract clients, customers and friends who genuinely like what you’re about. On the flipside, you will also repel people whose values, outlook, mindset and objectives don’t align with yours.

I would take a more subtle approach but I do agree. Soften the edges that need softening. Sharpen the edges that need sharpening but work within your own margins.

Take Jennifer Zamparelli and The Two Johnnies for example, all three are popular because they are authentic and absolutely refuse to shrink to fit. Their business and life objectives are clear and anything less than that just won’t work for them.

Sadly, RTE must shrink to fit but that’s a whole other blog!

How do you communicate in business and work? Have you over-edited yourself?



Click here for the #WinHappy podcast featuring Christine Tobin where she chats abut her career, this blog post and much more!

Christine Tobin is a Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Account Manager at Fuzion.

A former news editor, radio producer and press photographer with 20 years of national and international media experience, Christine uses her versatile skills to help our clients get strategic visibility to drive results.

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