Have you lost your MoJo?

Mojo Traiing Fuzion Communications

There is no doubt that the web is one of the most accessible ways for brands to tell their story.

The internet has made business promotion more accessible price-wise because of social media and the brand’s “shop window”, their website.

And if you know how to do it well, using the internet to get the word out there about your brand story can pay serious dividends.That’s why we here at Fuzion concentrate so much of our effort on internet-based story-telling. And today, we’re going to give you some pro tips on one aspect of how to get the most out of the internet for your brand.

Content Creation is everything, as great content is the way to grab someone’s attention, to get them to stop scrolling and to pay attention to your message…for just a moment at least, and hopefully remember you because you gave them something to smile about or to think about.

There’s a reason why content is the new buzzword for all things digital, including social media and websites. Content is King (or Queen!), and good content can tell your brand’s story in a natural and effective way. But content creation can be complicated and expensive, right?

It doesn’t have to be… (phew!)

You can create really good and engaging content for your social media channels, website and other channels using something that you have to hand right now: your mobile phone.

MoJo or Mobile Journalism, also known as mobile content creation, is an excellent way to create content that looks professional but also creates quick, easy and affordable content for you to tell your brand story.

RTÉ’s Phillp Bromwell is one of the biggest advocates for mobile content creation– check out this fantastic video he created using an iPhone.

So how do you create high-quality, attention grabbing content using your phone? 

Here are former journalist, MoJo advocate, lecturer and Fuzion Account Director, Ciara Jordan’s top tips for creating content with your phone:

Mojo Traiing Fuzion CommunicationsDon’t be afraid

People just like you are creating amazing content every single day using just their phone. If they can do it, so can you, so don’t be afraid to grab your phone and start experimenting with mobile content creation.

Mojo Traiing Fuzion CommunicationsClean your lens

Phones are always put in pockets and a dirty lens can ruin a photo or video – clean it before you start!

Mojo Traiing Fuzion CommunicationsUse the magic square

All modern mobile phones- both Android and iPhone have the ability to put grid lines (check your photo settings) on the photo screen. This will let you take pictures like a professional. Always have your subject in the “magic square”  or the middle square – this will make your photos engaging and balanced

Shoot horizontal video

Hold your phone horizontal if you are creating video – it is very difficult to edit video content created vertically – except if it is a post for Instagram.

Mojo Traiing Fuzion CommunicationsKeep your phone in airplane mode

Disturbing an interview or footage to take a call can really destroy the mood and that can be hard to recreate.

Walk, don’t zoom!

Zooming with your phone will pixelate the image and won’t be high enough quality. So, it is best to move closer to the subject rather than zooming towards them

Creating content on your phone is very rewarding and easy. Before long, you’ll be on your way to creating great content that engages your audience in ways that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.

Good luck!

If you would like to find out more on mobile content creation or to find out about Fuzion’s Mojo training workshop, from our offices in Dublin and Cork: contact Ciara Jordan or visit our website www.fuzion.ie

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