Manners maketh the business woman!

Thanks you

When did you last send someone a ‘thank you’ card?

I, for one, can’t remember my last time sending one and I’d forgotten what a lovely surprise it is to receive such a card until this morning.

But before I continue, I must confess – I’m a real stickler for manners!

As the world of business and technology develops, some may no longer value manners or feel they should be applied, but I disagree. Business, just like life is essentially a set of relationships – be that between your clients or your colleagues or your employer – manners have never been so important.

While I will always work hard on my clients’ accounts, even the smallest thank you from a client really brightens up my day.

Here at Fuzion, each of our clients has different needs and unique campaigns, and we always do our best to go above and beyond to make sure all of our clients are happy campers. Working in PR is fast paced and lots of fun, but you still get your tired days!

This rainy morning started out as one of those days for me but was swiftly turned around by a ‘thank you’ card in the post from the client whose event I’d worked on last week. This event had been really fun to work on, with lots of interesting speakers and guests, so receiving such a lovely card was a great bonus.

After the Jazz Festival and a busy week here in Cork, this little surprise could not have arrived at a better time. The sender is a real lady, and put lots of work into the event herself, so it meant so much to me that she took time out of her busy schedule to send me a handwritten card.

Already, this was a nice account to work on, but something as small as a ‘thank you’ card is key to building up a great relationship in business. The afterglow of such a thoughtful gesture has a powerful ripple effect and encourages one to take the same approach to others in their workplace.

Manners really maketh the woman!

As the business environment gets more competitive and technology based, there is sometimes an absence of the old fashioned approach to manners. Let’s bring it back!

A mannerly interaction is a win-win situation for everyone and is far more beneficial than the ‘dog eat dog’ attitude that sometimes creeps into the workplace. After all, good manners cost nothing but the rewards can be great as they can make a big difference to a person’s day.

Never miss an opportunity to improve someone’s day and .. now I must to go and buy some ‘thank you’ cards!!

Daisy HIggins, FuzionDaisy Higgins

Daisy Higgins is a PR Account Executive with Fuzion PR, Marketing and Graphic Design who have offices in Dublin and Cork, Ireland

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