My week’s work experience

Transition year student Niamh McInerney from St. Mary’s Secondary School Mallow recently completed a week’s work experience with us. Before she left she wrote a blog about her experience

Where to even begin…. It was such a brilliant week.

As my two favourite subjects in school are business and English I decided that I would go to a PR and marketing company for a week of work experience. After some research I came across Fuzion. I rang them up and explained that I was looking for work experience and they kindly accepted my request to join them for a week in late April.

I was so excited to get experience in PR, marketing and design as this could be a possible future career for me. I won’t lie, I was a bit nervous as I did not know anyone working in the company so therefore I really did not know what to expect.

When I arrived for my first day of work experience all the staff were so welcoming and kind towards me. I really expected to be just doing the photocopying and making tea and coffee (which I would not have minded), but instead I learnt how to do a media analysis report and to write up a press release. It was very interesting to get to see all the ins and outs of the various departments in Fuzion.

Make a Will week

On my final day, Alison, one of the PR team kindly brought me along to a photo shoot for the Mercy Hospital Foundation. It was to launch their annual ‘Make a Will Week’ with solicitor Don Ryan. The campaign sees Don help people make a will in return for a donation towards the Mercy Hospital Foundation. It was so interesting to see how the photo shoot was coordinated and I was delighted to be a part of it.

During my week at Fuzion I really learnt so much and was so grateful for all the help and support that the team gave me. It was a really enjoyable week and gave me a great insight into the world of PR!

Niamh McInerney

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