2019 Tour de Munster Charity Cycle Conquers the Hills and Thrills of Munster

On Sunday evening, the 19th annual Tour de Munster charity cycle came to a thrilling end in Cork City, as over 100 amateur cyclists tackled the notoriously steep St. Patricks Hill to the sounds and cheers of supporters.

Since Thursday, August 8th, cyclists have been tackling the roads of Munster as part of the 600km, four-day Tour de Munster charity cycle, raising vital funds and awareness for the Munster branches of Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) and individual beneficiaries. 

Long term supporter of the tour, cycling legend Sean Kelly once again cycled the 600km trip, leading the tour through the beautiful towns and villages of Munster. The tour started in Cork City on Thursday morning and covered an average of 150km per day as cyclists and support teams made their way through Waterford, Tipperary, Limerick, Clare, Kerry, and then back to Cork on the final day. 

Since its inception in 2001, Tour de Munster has raised over €2.78 million for its beneficiaries, with almost €2.3 million for DSI alone. This year’s tour was a special year as it celebrated the tenth year with Down Syndrome Ireland Munster branches as the main beneficiary of the tour.

Commenting at the top of St. Patrick’s Hill, Paul Sheridan founder of Tour de Munster was very appreciative for everyone’s support. “We have had a fantastic four days and I would like to thank everyone involved who got behind the tour. Huge thanks and admiration goes to all of this year’s cyclists, without them none of this would be possible. What they have done over the past four-days, travelling 150km each day and putting every ounce of effort in must be applauded. We were delighted to welcome back the many cyclists who support the tour,  year after year, as well the new faces who were completing their first tour. ”

Paul continued, “The tour received such a warm welcome throughout Munster’s six counties which meant a lot, it really motivated everyone and spurred us on. When you see the families who benefit from the funds raised, cheering you on, you remember exactly why you are doing this.”

The Irish Examiner, Clare FM, RedFM, Tipp FM, and WLR FM were the Official Media Partners of Tour de Munster 2019.

For more news and photos from the Tour, log onto www.tourdemunster.com, find it on Facebook, or follow the Tour on Twitter @tourdemunster.

For further information on Down Syndrome Ireland see www.downsyndrome.ie


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