In these economic times it is vital to network and get your business message out there – to promote your product, your service and yourself in a cost effective way. The Business Owner’s Network was recently established to help facilitate such networking opportunities, at no cost. Members benefit from connecting with their peers, building relationships and partnerships and generally assisting each other on the road to success.
The Business Owner’s Network (BON) was established by Bob Flynn and Ian Byrne, two young entrepreneurs who were tired of paying money to join other business networking groups and getting nothing in return. They believe that in these tough economic times business people should stick together and help each other to grow and prosper.
The network this month is supported by 3 Business, Realex Payments and Let’s Talk Finance, meaning that the only outlay necessary for BON members is their own time. The next event takes place on the evening of Wednesday, 7 October.
By setting up this free monthly forum Bob and Ian hope to bring business owners together and create opportunities that may otherwise be missed. Already, after just three BON meetings, Ian and Bob surmise that they have created deals worth over €30k and are on target for a much higher figure by the end of the year.
According to Bob Flynn: “True and effective networking carries a zero cost but opens the door to developing a comprehensive group of like-minded professionals. We want the Business Owner’s Network to help connect these people. Besides the networking opportunities we also have guest speakers, successful business people who give valuable advice and guidance free of charge By limiting the group to business owners, people will be connecting with a calibre of professional that will add value to their business. We also see this as an opportunity to create employment for people.”
Who? Business Owner’s Network. What? Free, monthly business owners networking event.
Where? Bewley’s Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. When? Wednesday, 7 October, 6-9pm.