Celebrities Spring into action to launch this year’s Spring Clean for Charity Event

Celebrities Spring into action to launch this year’s Spring Clean for Charity Event

Celebrities Spring into action to launch this year’sSpring Clean for Charity EventIn aid of Enable Ireland and Cheshire Ireland

Following on from the success of last year’s event, Norma Smurfit’s popular Spring Clean for Charity event is back! Earlier today Norma was joined by a host of famous faces at the launch in the Clarion Hotel, to promote the upcoming fundraising event, which last year raised over €50,000 for Cork charities.

Cork’s biggest charity sale, Spring Clean for Charity will take place in Cork’s City Hall on Sunday, 14th October and will feature bric-a-brac, trinkets and fashion from all over the country, all in aid of chosen charities Enable Ireland and Cheshire Ireland.

Munster Rugby players Ivan Dineen and Stephen Archer, TV chef Rachael Allen, celebrity chef Martin Shanahan, Irish Paralympian Orla Barry and former Munster player Mick O’Driscoll, all attended the launch and were so inspired by the event that they pledged to de-clutter their homes and donate rugby jerseys, cooking utensils and other personal and treasured items in support of this worthy event.

Speaking at the launch, Norma stated “This is a great excuse to de clutter your homes and business, while raising money for two very worthy Cork charities. We want as many groups, organisations and individuals to join us, whether you take a stall or just come along on the day and join in the fun, rummaging through all the hidden treasures and trinkets on sale.”

Norma went on to say, “Last year was a great success as we raised over €50,000 and this year’s could be even more successful as we’ve already received a great response, including some amazing Vintage pieces.”

Edel Meade, Fundraising Coordinator at Enable Ireland Cork Services was also at the launch. Edel stated “We’re delighted to be benefiting from this year’s Spring Clean event; it’s shaping up to be a hectic but incredibly fun day. I’ve already seen some amazing stock donations, trust me there’ll definitely be some hidden treasures and bargains to be found! I hope that the public will get behind the campaign and come down to City Hall and support us on the day. We also need volunteers to help set up on the Saturday and clear out on the Sunday evening so any scouts, GAA clubs, rugby clubs etc, who want to get involved, please get in touch.”

Eleanor Goggin, Fundraising Coordinator at St Laurence Cheshire Home also stated “We are delighted that Norma has decided to come to Cork with Spring Clean for Charity again this year. We had great fun at the event last year as well as raising much needed funds for St Laurence Cheshire. I even managed to get a bargain or two myself. Thanks Norma!”

Taking a stall at the charity sale is simple and FREE!  All proceeds raised from the sale of items will go to Enable Ireland and Cheshire Ireland.  To book a stall, simply visit the Spring Clean for Charity website at www.springcleanforcharity.ie, email help@springcleanforcharity.ie or call Dearbhla on (086) 8221751 to register. 

If you can’t host a stall don’t worry, you can also donate items that are in “saleable condition” to William O’Brien Public Storage drop off point in Bishopstown.

Entry to City Hall for Spring Clean for Charity is just €5 at the door (kids under 12 go free) so come along on Sunday, 14th October for a fun day of bargain hunting. There will also be a few celebrity guests too.


Notes to Editor

  • Spring Clean for Charity returns to Cork on Sunday, 14th October 2012
  • There is no charge to take a stall on the day but all proceeds must go to Enable Ireland and Cheshire Ireland
  • Doors will be open to the public from 11am – 5pm
  • Admission €5.00 per adult with children under 12 free of charge.

• Further information can be found on the Spring Clean for Charity website help@springcleanforcharity.iewww.springcleanforcharity.ie

Background information on Enable Ireland

Enable Ireland provides services to over 4,200 children and adults with disabilities and their families from 15 locations and in local communities countrywide. Covering childhood to adulthood our expert teams work with the individual and their family on a plan for each life stage. Our mission is to enable those who use our services to achieve maximum independence, choice and inclusion in their communities.Enable Ireland receives core funding from the HSE and other statutory agencies.

Our services for children and their families cover all aspects of a child’s physical, educational, and social development from early infancy through adolescence. For adults we offer a range of services covering personal development, independent living, supported employment, social and leisure activities.

The demand for our services continues to increase throughout Ireland. We have set ourselves the challenging goal of meeting these needs by providing a full range of high quality services, and expanding into local communities.Further information on Enable Ireland, visit www.enableireland.ie, www.facebook.com/actionondisability and www.twitter.com/enableireland

Background information on Cheshire Ireland

St Laurence Cheshire provides residential care for people with physical disabilities. These include Multiple Sclerosis, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Fredericks Ataxia, Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington’s Chorea, acquired brain injury and other neurological illnesses.  We also provide respite care.

Due to funding cuts it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide the level of care that our service users deserve. Many jobs have had to be put on hold in recent times. The paint is peeling badly on the main house and is badly in need of painting. The garden has become overgrown and needs immediate attention and most importantly new hoists and beds need to be purchased and others need to be maintained. Further information on Cheshire  Ireland, visit www.cheshire.ie

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