There are currently 9 new businesses on the Greenshoots Emerging Entrepreneurs Programme in Macroom E Enterprise Centre, based in Macroom, Co. Cork. Now in its fifth year, Greenshoots works closely with selected entrepreneurs helping them prepare their businesses for the commercial world. While working through the setting up of their own businesses, they are participating in various key workshops, expert mentoring sessions and networking events.
Since 2010, the programme has helped launch 55 new businesses, primarily in the Lee Valley region. Collectively, these companies have created almost 100 new jobs.
The current participants, having come through a competitive application process, are now coming to the end of their six month programme. They have been using the excellent facilities that the Macroom E Enterprise Centre offers including hot desks, lots of peer support, a creative space in which to brainstorm ideas and access to local and national support agencies.
The 2015 Greenshoots entrepreneurs are a diverse group of individuals with businesses in the food, craft, match-making, hospitality, environmental, publishing and printing sectors. Orla Kelly from Orla Kelly Self-Publishing Services, one of the Greenshoots entrepreneurs who runs her own publishing company, attributes the following to the Greenshoots programme “The Greenshoots Programme provides us with the support systems and resources through mentoring, course work and access to weekly workshops with key experts in relevant fields. It allows us the time to refine and progress our business ideas, giving us confidence in ourselves and our abilities.”
Greenshoots Programme Manager, Catherine Costello is quoted saying “The current group are coming to the end of an intensive six months programme. Their businesses span a broad spectrum of products and services and despite the diversity, are working extremely well as a group. They are very innovative and enterprising and I am confident that the success generated by this group will be felt throughout the county and can only contribute positively to our economy.”
All graduates of the programme will be celebrated at an awards ceremony in Vertigo, County Hall on Thursday 23rd July 2015 at 6.00pm. Renowned Cork businessman and close personal friend of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Pat O’Connell of K O’Connell Fish Merchants will deliver the key note speech at the event and be on hand to offer some words of wisdom to Cork’s next generation of businesspeople.
An exhibition, showcasing the Cork’s nine newest entrepreneurs will be in place in the foyer of County Hall in the run-up to the event and will be open to the public. For more information on the Greenshoots Emerging Entrepreneur Programme and on this year’s graduating class, please visit the