Destination Cork – Cork Convention Bureau Take on UK Market

Destination Cork - Cork Convention Bureau Take on UK Market

Business Tourism has been identified as having major potential for the Cork region and a proactive drive to nurture this market sector for the region is now on, spearheaded by the Cork Convention Bureau.  This morning a team, made up of Cork Convention Bureau (CCB) representatives and members will be travelling to London to promote Cork as Business Tourism Destination to some of the biggest Conference and Incentive buyers in the UK.

Cork Lord Mayor Cllr Michael O’Connell and County Mayor Cllr Jim Daly will be leading the UK “charge”, along with Evelyn O’Sullivan, General Manager and Seamus Heaney, Chairman of the Cork Convention Bureau.  Seamus stated “Official Fáilte Ireland figures state that the total value of an international conference delegate is €1,507.  When this is compared with the €493 spend of a leisure tourist, it highlights the exceptional potential of the conferencing sector to the Cork region.

Evelyn added “With over 55 direct access routes from the UK and Europe and the value and selection to be had in our regional venues, Cork is a very attractive proposition to UK and European buyers; we just need to communicate this directly to them, which is why this event is so important.”

The highlight of this promotional drive in the UK will be a dinner at the world renowned Richard Corrigan’s Bentleys Oyster Bar & Grill this evening, 19th October at 6.30pm.  The evening will be an opportunity for buyers to meet representatives of the CCB along with CCB’s hotel and venue members. Also in attendance and to show their support for the initiative will be Cork County Mayor Cllr. Jim Daly and Cork City Mayor Cllr. Michael O’Connell.

Speaking at another CCB event in September Cllr Jim Daly stated “”Business Tourism has enormous potential for growth and there is no reason why Cork cannot compete with any other major European destination to attract international conferences. I commend the Cork Convention Bureau and both Cork City and County Council’s in Cork for their foresight to work with the Hotel trade in actively promoting Cork as a venue for international conferences.”

Invited guests will be served a Traditional Irish Dinner prepared by Richard and his team.  The restaurant has an international reputation for earthy and uncluttered food, with an emphasis on purity of ingredients and honest presentation.  The restaurant is seen as the perfect choice to showcase some of the best attributes that Cork has to offer.  Evelyn stated “In Cork we have a no no-nonsense and friendly attitude.  People like to do business with us and we feel that by bringing a little piece of Cork and Ireland to them it should result in good solid business opportunities for the region going into the future.

This UK activity compliments the activity the CCB is running on the ground in Cork through its Conference Ambassador Programme which identifies individuals who are interested in hosting a business event in Cork.

In July, for example, the CCB organised an event to thank 17 Cork Conference Ambassadors who were responsible for securing over €2.1 million in Business Tourism for the Cork region.    Evelyn stated “All of these Ambassadors are people on the ground in Cork, or with a Cork connection, who have used their influence within organisations to bring international conferences to Cork.  They were able to do so with the assistance of the CCB’s Ambassador Programme which assists the individual and/or local organisation to secure their Conference for Cork.”

For further information on the Cork Convention Bureau and to find out how to become part of the CCB Ambassador Programme visit

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