Cork innovates is inviting the general public, students, entrepreneurs and SMEs from all walks of life to join the inaugural INBusiness INCork Showcase, which takes place in City Hall, Cork on Wednesday 14th November, to mark Global Entrepreneurship Week for the Cork region.
INBusiness INCork is a free of charge, half day event that will open the door of entrepreneurship to anyone interested in starting their own business and for those already in business, which will offer an excellent opportunity to identify information sources and network with peers.
One of the main focal points of the event will be an extensive exhibition area which will offer the opportunity to link with support agencies both public and private, as well as products and services of interest to entrepreneurs. In this area there will be many opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals in a highly focused and informative networking setting. A number of speaker based workshops and case studies will run throughout the morning and right up to the 2pm closing, where those in attendance will have the opportunity to listen to experts like Gavin Duffy who will deliver the keynote address; as well as hear the stories of those who have already embarked on the road to self-employment.
The event is open to everyone, and will cover all facets of entrepreneurship. So if you’re an entrepreneur by necessity, a student, or someone with an idea, a startup looking for funding or an experienced SME looking to new export markets this event is for you It will cater for everyone who is looking for advice covering all facets of business under one roof and will be supported with breakout sessions including case studies from entrepreneurs.
Speaking about the upcoming showcase, Siobhán Finn, Cork innovates Coordinator said “This event is the first of its kind for the Cork region, where private and public have come together in such a united and proactive way. It’s only fitting that the event takes place in Cork, which has such a strong history of Entrepreneurship going back generations. Anyone in the region who is thinking of starting their own business, or who is looking to grow their business needs to attend INBusiness INCork. Throughout the day they will be able to engage with all of our stakeholders who can be a key resource to any business – whatever stage they are at. Budding and established entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to learn so much about the resources that are right on their doorstep here in Cork.”
The hosting of this showcase marks the official launch of Cork innovates, whose shared vision is to actively support the creation of new sustainable jobs and encourage regional economic wealth by connecting Cork entrepreneurial and business community within the region and beyond. Cork innovates is an initiative of the Cork Entrepreneurship Steering Group (CESG), is funded under the CASP Framework by Cork County and City Councils, and is hosted by the Cork Chamber of Commerce.The initiative sees the coming together, for the first time ever, of specific public and private sector stakeholders, who have an interest in and/ or commitment to job creation and the delivery of entrepreneurial supports (educational, financial, mentoring etc.) in the Cork region. The group comprises of County & City Enterprise Boards, Enterprise Ireland, Cork City Council, Cork County Council, UCC, CIT, South West Regional Authority, Cork BIC and Cork Chamber of Commerce along with a number of entrepreneurs from the region.
Speaking about the impact INBusiness INCork, and the Cork innovates initiative will have, Cork City Manager, Tim Lucey said “The only way the post-crash economy is going to grow is by one business at a time, one job at a time, with everyone working together, public and private, industry and education establishments. Cork City Council is delighted to work together with a number of forward thinking organisations and individuals, and proactively supporting the creation of new sustainable jobs.”
Cork County Manager, Martin Riordan added “Empowering our economic future can start by participating in INBusiness INCork on November 14th. Cork has the potential to be the hub for the regeneration of the entrepreneurial spirit in Ireland, and Cork based entrepreneurs will be the first ones to benefit from this initiative. This is a simple way of creating links for better use of regional, national and international supports and nurturing the wealth of entrepreneurial spirit that exists throughout the city and county.”
Siobhán concluded “This event would not be possible without the dedication and support from our partners – the Irish Examiner, Newstalk and Brook Catering, and we would like to thank them for their commitment today in helping entrepreneurs get a head start.”
Exhibition space is available for organisations who offer services and advice to start-ups and SMEs; and exhibitors will range from accountancy firms to printers and insurance firms, and everything needed to get a new business off the ground. For more information on hosting an exhibition stand email
So ‘save the date’ and come along to INBusiness INCork on Wednesday 14thNovember in Cork City Hall. The half day event is completely FREE to attend, doors open at 8.45am and it will finish at approximately 2pm.
For more information visit, email, follow on Twitter @corkinnovates and use #corkinnovates.