Select Hotel’s Midleton Park Hotel & Spa were delighted to hand over a superb €1,000 donation to Irish children’s charity Barnardos, just in time for Christmas!
Yesterday saw the Midleton Park Hotel & Spa Health Club Manager, Alan O’Brien, along with Select Hotels, Lisa Murphy, presenting the much needed cash to Barnardos Project Leader Jenna Russell, at their Brighter Futures Centre premises in knocknaheeny, Cork.
The money was raised by the Midleton Park Hotel’s health club members purchasing the hotels special “12 days of fitness vouchers”, which entitled the bearer to twelve visits to the health club over the Christmas holidays. Each voucher sold out in record time (2 days!) and 100 % of the cost was donated to Barnardos. The charity vouchers are something the hotel like to do every year for different charities and it always gets such a good response.
The Midleton Park’s Alan O’Brien stated: “Barnardos is a charity close to our hearts as it assists children in the Cork area to have a better life. We deal with children every day in the Leisure Centre through swim lessons, Swim-a-Song programmes and swim camps and we are always conscious that there are less fortunate children in our community who we can help.”
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