Sorted Boi! Rebel Passports Hot Off the Press

Sorted Boi! Rebel Passports Hot Off the Press

It’s official – the Rebel County has become the People’s Republic of Cork with the very first Rebel Passport hot off the press!

The organisers of the forthcoming Cork Rebel Week (October 14th – 20th), the flagship Gathering event for Cork, have begun distributing the much anticipated Rebel Passports to the county’s finest.

To date, more than 3,000 Rebel Passports have been granted, with a further 7,000 remaining up for grabs for the Leeaspora and Leesiders.

Festival organisers have been inundated with applications from Corkonians at home and abroad since the news of an official Cork passport first hit the headlines some months back. The news travelled fast around the globe on social network sites, and generated a fantastic response from those who dreamed of being home by the Banks and elicited a resounding “nice wan” from Cork people everywhere.

Plans for Cork Rebel Week are now gathering pace and the full line-up of events will be officially launched soon; with some big names already on board to support the initiative including Bord Gais and Cork Airport.

Meanwhile, nine towns across the county are gearing up to welcome scores of international marching bands from as far away as Guatemala in Central America into their homes for a cup of Barry’s Tea and some craic ahead of an international event in the city on October 19th. Each town is organising its own mini-festival with a packed line-up of events to entertain the visitors. Rebel Week will also see a Global Economic Forum & Networking Event featuring international business figures with Cork links take place in the City and County on October 17th and 18th.

Corkonians home for Rebel Week will be able to display their passports proudly while taking a stroll over the Shakey Bridge, “Doing Pana” or sinking a pint of Murphy’s in Bantry Bay during the first ever festival dedicated to the People’s Republic of Cork.

Cork’s beloved singer songwriter John Spillane became the first Corkonian to be presented with an official passport today when the musician came out to have a skanse at his passport and help launch the momentous occasion.

But while returning Leesiders will qualify for a passport by providing proof of international travel, Corkonians here will have to earn theirs through a points system.

The passport:* How do I get a Rebel Passport? Proof of international travel will automatically entitle you to the documents. Everyone else has to earn it by promoting Rebel Week.

Here are some examples of how you can build points to qualify:

  • Invite international friends or family home to visit Cork for Rebel Week.
  • Help develop an additional local event around Rebel Week.
  • Take part in the International Marching Band Local Accommodation Programme.
  • Get your company or organisation to be an associated sponsor of Cork Rebel Week.
  • Share various Cork Rebel Week related information on Facebook orTwitter.

The full points criteria are available at

* What does it entitle me to?

The passport will give you access to discounts in shops, pubs, hotels, and leisure outlets across the county during the week.


In the coming weeks, organisers of Cork Rebel Week will visit retailers and leisure providers around Cork City and County to sign them up free of charge. Already, the Irish Hotels Federation has confirmed that they will give a 10% discount on accommodation throughout Cork Rebel Week. To sign your establishment up for Rebel Week, email

Organiser of Cork Rebel Week Padraic O’Kane said: “We are absolutely delighted to be able to produce a Cork Rebel Week passport which is a fantastic element to our festival. The passport has been generating a serious buzz since the concept first appeared in the media some months back. The idea of a passport certainly appeals to Corkonians’ infamous separatist tendencies. We are sending out a clarion call to Cork people everywhere to come home for Rebel Week.  Don’t miss out on this great offers and unique memento which celebrates all that is great about Cork. Dowtcha boi!”

For more information on Cork Rebel Week visit

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