Trauma Response Network Ireland, a panel of accredited therapists, with advanced EMDR training in Early Response Intervention for Mass Trauma Events (EMDR therapy is an empirically supported treatment for psychological trauma, endorsed by the World Health Organisation) are offering and inviting front-line workers to seek free treatment for the trauma they have experienced during the pandemic to avoid chronic symptoms that could be long lasting or cause burn out.
National Coordinator of Trauma Response Network Ireland, Johnny Moran said: ”It’s not at all uncommon for people to downplay the traumatic nature of the current global pandemic. Experiencing feelings that it might just be “part of the job”. But you don’t have to experience violence to experience trauma.
A person who has experienced trauma may feel denial, shame, hopelessness, anxiety, guilt, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Along with an emotional reaction, trauma can also cause physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, fatigue, racing heart and sweating.”
Moran continues; “The current COVID-19 pandemic has qualities that qualify as a traumatic experience as it takes a physical and emotional toll on many people. We would encourage all essential workers to apply for the study and not just healthcare workers, these sessions are open to Teachers, Gardai, Retail staff, etc.”
All essential workers are invited to apply if they feel they are experiencing the symptoms of Trauma. Research*** highlights rising rates of depression, trauma, suicidality (suicidal plans and/or attempts), vicarious trauma (the experience of trauma symptoms that can result from being repeatedly exposed to other people’s trauma and their stories of traumatic events), and burnout of those working on the frontline.
Trauma Response Network Ireland rolls out phase two* of their pilot study and wishes to recruit more organisations as well as individuals from the front line who have suffered work-related trauma connected to Covid 19. Preliminary results from the first phase** of their pilot study showed a 59% reduction in trauma symptoms, and approximately 43% reduction in both anxiety and depressive symptomatology. Encouraging all essential workers to sign up and avail of up to four free online trauma treatment sessions as part of their research study. This study is in association with 5 universities, with Dr Derek Farrell as lead Investigator.
Applications for TRNI Phase Two Pilot Study are now open until March 31st, with the first round of Trauma Therapy sessions commencing on April 12th. All applications into the study are through the TRNI web portal – Please visit to apply now.