Troops Everest Climb Challenge for Cystic Fibrosis..

On the 2nd and 3rd of September the 4th  Field Artillery Regiment based at Columb Barracks, Mullingar, and 100 Battalion, based at  Camp Ciara in Chad, will undertake a climb, equivalent to the height of Mount Everest, in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland (CFAI).

Teams of five will ascend climbing walls at both Columb Barracks and Camp Ciara continuously over the two days, gaining a height of 8,848 metres. Teams from the local community will also take part. Ian Taylor, the youngest Irish man to reach the summit of Mount Everest will participate to launch this unique event. He said “This challenge will involve team work and stamina, and even though the teams will be in two very different locations, we will be working together to raise vital funds for CFAI.”

The climb starts at 1100hrs on September 2nd and continue till the summit! For further information and sponsorship cards phone Regimental Sergeant-Major Tommy Owens on (044) 9348391.

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