You’re Some Spoke!

TV3’s Aidan Cooney will lead the way when he takes out his new best friend, his bike, on August, 25th – 28th for the Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI), Tour de Leinster 2016.

Over the past few months Aidan has been in training for the DSI Tour de Leinster fundraiser and is looking forward to joining all the participants on the open road and raising much needed funds for the organisation. Speaking about his training and being part of the third Down Syndrome Ireland Tour de Leinster, Aidan said, “I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been easy and it has been awhile since I was on a bike too! But I’ve really enjoyed getting ready to attempt the cycle and I am delighted to be involved this year. It is so important to support organisations like Down Syndrome Ireland and to ensure their services will always be available to the public”.

The event which is now open for registration is a 4 day, 600km cycling challenge which  takes place from 25th – 28th of August 2016. Participants can also look forward to breath-taking scenery as well as the ascents and descents of the open roads across picturesque Leinster. This year cyclists will also have the opportunity to ride alongside one of Ireland’s cycling icons, Tour de France and Giro D’italia Winner Stephen Roche!

Each participant covers their own costs, so that the full funds raised from the Tour de Leinster event will go directly towards benefiting the DSI members with essential services. The funds raised from this year’s Tour de Leinster will be used at a national level to fund a Medical App for Parents of children with Down syndrome. Funds will also help our Leinster branches continue to provide vital services to people with Down syndrome and their families, including New Baby & Toddler Groups; Subsidised Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy; Home Teacher Projects and Arts & Activities Clubs.

For more information and to register, interested participants can visit or call 1890 37 37 37

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