A Woman’s Place is in the House, Leinster House
I am so proud of my friend and my TD Áine Collins. She is one of the most honest, tenacious, intelligent and loyal people that I know – which are all great traits for a p
Is it all about price?
I remember when I started my first accountancy industry job in Deasy & Co. one of the early tasks I had was the job of selecting a supplier for all of our stationery requiremen
Knowing you are the best and saying it
I was at a recent Chamber event in Cork and they had their usual “soap box” slot whereby a few members are given the opportunity to speak in front of the attendees and
Three Circles and the Path you Choose
My son Brendan Canty has just qualified from CIT, having completed a multi media course. He wants to work in film in some way and he is also really passionate about music. How unus
The Glamourous Toll Booth Woman!
Pulling into the Portlaoise toll booth and I know I am making good time for the meeting in the centre of Dublin, as long as traffic into the city is OK. That can be a lottery at ti
Optimistic, Pessimistic or Realistic – Which are you?
My friend was killing me with his negativity, I was feeling hot, uneasy and uncomfortable.. despite really liking him and not having seen him in quite a while I just wanted to get
The Ultimate in Brand Loyalty, Bobby Stokes and a Pencil Case?
Chatting to a friend of mine last week the conversation came around to football, the Champions League Final and the ultimate in brand loyalty – the undying support for “
Aer Lingus celebrate 75 years by bringing back the Peanuts!
“Aer Lingus celebrate 75 years by bringing back the Peanuts!” Can you imagine a headline like this? While it would seem like a terrible way to celebrate 75 years (On Ma
The Fuzion Women and The Royal Wedding!
Now before I go any further let me stress that at Fuzion we have a team of intelligent, diligent and very hard working women .. “Oh my God” this is going to be the best
Are you spending enough on Positive Costs?
Positive costs are absolutely essential for generating business for any company - cutting these out may be viewed as a necessary step but it will eventually choke the oxygen of the