The tricky business of changing the business name..

We had an interesting session with a prospect today and as usual we follow our own Fuzion process when we approach this work and construct a brand communications plan for them.

This successful family owned business are interested in renaming their business and bringing the family name into the naming of the company.

We facilitated a brand workshop with them a few weeks ago to tease out the rationale for this name change including the risk of leaving the existing name behind.

While there is no right or wrong here, each option comes with a number of challenges and the bottom line is whatever choice is made it must feel right for the team running business. 

It’s our job to help them with that decision and whatever the outcome, to then bring that brand to life visually across all platforms and most importantly to their target audiences with the full suite of communications.

They decided after much deliberation to use their family name.  

Somehow putting your own name over the door makes a big statement


Greg is a partner at Fuzion Communications, a full service Marketing and PR agency with offices in Dublin and Cork, Ireland. We help businesses with their brand development.

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