10 Things you didn’t know about Jane Foley

In this series of blogs we thought it might be a good idea to let you know some of our team a little bit better…that could be scary!

This week we’d like you to get to know the latest Fuzion recruit, Jane Foley, who has joined the PR team in our Dublin office from Irish radio station, Newstalk.

Describe yourself in 5 words

Organised, friendly, energetic, thoughtful and loyal.

My favourite holiday

The summer before last we spent a week on a small Greek island called Poros. We didn’t have WiFi so instead of wasting our time online we filled our days with books, music and swimming as we explored every inch of the island and ate and drank the most amazing Greek food and wine.

Poros, Greece

I’ve also been lucky enough to have lived in the Netherlands, the Alps, the South of France and Paris at different points over the years, which weren’t exactly holidays but I made sure not to work too hard while I was in any of those places so they felt like they were!

My dream car

I think I have to learn to drive first before I even think about what my dream car would be!

I blame my parents for the fact that I still don’t drive, as neither of them drove so we didn’t have a car growing up.

We lived so close to everything in Galway, it was just not something we never needed. I appreciate our slightly-reduced carbon footprint as a result of this, but I also wish I had gotten my licence when I was 17 so that it was just over and done with.

But it’s on the to-do list for this year!

My worst habit

I can definitely overthink and worry about things when there is no need.

When I put a lot of effort into something I always want it to be perfect, which can be a positive, but I also need to learn where to draw the line and just accept that some things are out of my control.

My first album

I think the first album I ever bought was Britney Spears’ Baby One More Time (of course, being a 90’s child).

Britney Spears

But the album I first obsessed over was one I stole from my mum – The Beatles’ Red Album.

I listened to those two tapes over and over again and still to this day when I hear one of those songs end, I start singing the next one on the tape automatically – it’s burned into my memory!

My hobbies

I love food, and cooking and baking is something I do a lot of in my spare time.

I try to mostly bake healthy treats so I don’t feel too guilty about doing it regularly, but I also have to admit to myself that just because it is ‘healthy’, it doesn’t justify me eating the entire loaf of chocolate chip banana bread by myself…

The best advice I was given

As I was writing this I was struggling to think of the single best piece of advice I have been given over the years.

I think certain advice resonates with you at different times in your life, but as I was walking down the street at lunchtime I was struck by something spray-painted on the wall:

“Be Kind, Tell the Truth and Don’t be Afraid”.

I don’t know who wrote it, and it wasn’t exactly advice that was given to me, but there is something about its simplicity that stuck with me.

If you were stranded on a desert island what three items would you bring?

A good book, an iPod full of podcasts and music, and a really comfortable hammock.

What was your first ever job?

I worked in our local corner shop when I was 13. I remember being delighted with myself, working four hours a week after school and not knowing what to do with all the extra money I had (€26).

The part of my job I love most

I love the variety of my job and the fact that no two days are ever the same.

And of course the people. I appreciate the wonderful colleagues and clients that I work with and it definitely makes getting up on a Monday morning that bit easier!

Jane Foley, Fuzion CommunicationsJane

Jane Foley is a PR Executive with Fuzion Communications who have offices in Dublin and Cork



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