15 years and my Fuzion journey!

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I can’t believe that it’s 15 years since I handed in my notice to my boss (and separately to my ex – but that’s another story!!!) and 15 years since Fuzion was born!!!

I had gotten to the stage at the ripe old age of 34, where I knew that I could have run the business I was working for much better than my boss, and I thought with an attitude like that perhaps I should start my own business.  So I borrowed a laptop until I could afford my own, invested in a logo , some cool business cards and got the word out that Fuzion was open for business!!

At the time I was living in Tralee and later that year I emigrated to Cork!

Deirdre Waldron on the Cork Chamber billboard

I never looked back and am so proud of everything that Fuzion has achieved.  I know that I’m so blessed by all of the friends I have made since then and the talented people I have worked alongside, many of whom have played  a big part in the Fuzion story.  And I am especially blessed for the life Greg and I have made together in Cork, thanks to Fuzion.

Fuzion PR and Marketing

Little did we know when we leased our first office in Cork city that the wheels would very soon fall off the Irish economy and our services were deemed as ‘dispensable’ by many clients who were in fear of the recession. It was a very challenging time, so we rolled up our sleeves, we worked even harder, we dug deep and instead of cutting back we grew our business and opened an office in Dublin! When I look back this was a fantastic achievement considering the harsh environment.

We called it ‘storming the recession‘!

Fuzion Communications Team

So to mark 15 years I thought I’d give 15 things that I have learned about business, that have really helped me along my Fuzion journey:-

  1. Tenacity is the difference between success and failure
  2. Be absolutely sure you have the right people on the bus with you
  3. Treat everyone with respect, even those a**holes who don’t deserve it!
  4. Pick a life partner who thinks you could conquer the world
  5. Admit when you make a mistake, it’s the first step to fixing it
  6. If in doubt, always go with your gut
  7. When hiring, look into someone’s eyes rather than their CV’s
  8. Don’t work with clients where you care more about their business than they do
  9. Business is no place for negative people
  10. Do some pro bono work –  it will come back to you in so many ways
  11. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – there’s lots of it out there
  12. Work every hour that’s needed Monday to Friday, but treasure your days off
  13. Dress every day as if you have a photo call
  14. Confirm everything by email

And most importantly what we are doing today:-

15… Celebrate the milestones and never waste a good story about your business!
Deirdre Waldron - Fuzion PRHappy Birthday to Fuzion and a huge thank you to every single person who has supported us along the way and been part of our journey!

Dee x

Deirdre Waldron is the founding partner of Fuzion

Fuzion are a Marketing, PR and Graphic Design firm with offices in Dublin and Cork, Ireland

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