21 Questions with… Greg Canty!

Welcome to the first of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be proud of.

Leading the way is Partner and Liverpool nut Greg!

  1. Tell us something about you that nobody else in the team might know.

I managed local bands for a few years, many moons ago

  1. What film have you watched more than five times?

Planes, Trains and Automobiles – a genius movie by John Hughes

  1. What work are you most proud of in the past year?

I did a series of podcasts for the Heritage Council, which were all quite different 

  1. Dream job?

Doing any job as part of Jurgen Klopp’s team

  1. Favourite brand? – Why?

Liverpool FC – I think football teams are the ultimate brand that we all have a deep connection to. You might change your partner, but you never change your team!

  1. Favourite Holiday Destination?

That has to be Siena in Tuscany in Italy for the Palio. It’s a beautiful city that oozes history and character as well as having great food and wine of course.

  1. Best lesson from your career?

Stay positive – when things are tough, roll those sleeves up, and get stuck in 

  1. Eurovision or World Cup?

World Cup!

  1. Who is the joker on the team?

That could be me !

  1. Recommend a podcast.

I think Hidden Brain is very clever.

  1. Reality shows – Love or Hate?

How about ‘detest’?

  1. Dinner party with 3 people – dead or alive – who do you invite?

Jurgen Klopp, Robert Plant and Ken Robinson

  1. If you could be anywhere in the world – where would you be & what would you do?

I would have a little music store/café in Siena.

  1. Who is your role model?

Jurgen Klopp and my dad

  1. What was your first job?

I had my own newspaper round

  1. Death Row meal?

Spaghetti Bolognese 

  1. Favourite book?

Good to Great by Jim Collins

  1. Your a grammar nazi oar not?

Not really

  1. First album you bought or downloaded?

Boomtown Rats’ debut album. I caught it in a small store in Dungarvan while staying with my uncle and aunt.

  1. Work from home – or office?

This social creature discovered he likes working from home!

  1. Most memorable ad slogans – why?

Ronseal – “It does what it says on the tin”!

Greg Canty is partner at Fuzion Communications, full service marketing and PR agency, with offices in Cork and Dublin.

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