Facebook – It’s all about Timing !

After the major changes that we saw with Facebook Business Pages (for me they converted these pages into mini-websites) at the end of March and after the global social media giant went public shortly after, we have now seen a few more little but quite significant changes that have improved the functionality for all business users.

Facebook - scheduling your postsTiming!

Now it is possible to schedule your posts on your business page – the next time you start to post click on the little “clock” button below the window, which opens up a range of options that will allow you to schedule a post by year/month/date/hour/minute.

This is an excellent function that allows a busy business owner to schedule posts when they get a chance. It’s clearly best to be on-line so you can respond quickly to  comments but at times this may not be possible.

Hierarchy for Administrators

adding administrators on facebookWhen we work with clients and students at our social media training sessions I used always give them the “Admin Warning” – basically all administrators are created equal. Effectively someone you make an Administrator of your business page on Facebook immediately had the same power as you and could actually remove you if they wished.

This “feature” always petrified business owners – a disgruntled employee could cause a lot of damage with a few key strokes and some novel content!

Facebook have now created a hierarchy so it is now possible for you to give users Admin access but you can limit each users power. At the top of the tree there is the Administrator who has the power to allow and remove users.

Below this there are a number of different levels, each with decreasing powers using the headings; Content Creator, Moderator, Advertiser and Insights Analyst. This improved functionality allows a page owner to allow access to various individuals to work on the page but only to a level that they need to.

No doubt we will continue to see more changes that will make Facebook better and more relevant for business users … It’s all about Timing!

Greg Canty is a partner of Fuzion

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