Grabbing the “Say Something” Opportunity

Say Something - Social Media Training

I just opened my LinkedIn inbox and as always I am delighted to see that there were two invitations sitting there – one from Jim and the other from John. I don’t think I know either of them but that’s not too unusual with connection requests.

For me the big issue isn’t whether I “Accept” or “Ignore” the request but it is what am I going to do with that opportunity that presents itself?

Click, click and I have accepted both these invitations, two more onto my LinkedIn Connections scorecard! – another job well done?

If I do that I have just blown my opportunity to connect ..

If you are serious about using LinkedIn as a platform for boosting awareness and generating meaningful connections then you need to start using the opportunity properly.

There is lots that you can do on LinkedIn but the first way that you can really start making a difference is by “saying something” when someone connects with you.

How about after you hit that accept button you send a simple message… “Thanks for connecting, how is business with you?

I always thank whoever has gone to the bother of connecting with me and I always ask them some sort of question. I find 99% of the time they come back with a response and before you know it, you are actually building a “connection” – do this right and you get to learn something about them and you get a chance to tell them something about you and your business.

Last week I connected with over 100 new contacts that I had on my email database that were using LinkedIn – nearly everyone accepted the connection request.

Just one took the time to say something.

Are you collecting numbers or making connections?

Go on..  say something

(for those readers that are not using LinkedIn it is a great way to make connections and generate awareness for you and your business – jump in!)

Greg Canty is a partner of Fuzion

Fuzion are a Marketing and PR firm with offices in Dublin and Cork . Fuzion also provide social media training and consultancy.

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