Waiting for the Penny to Drop
I was reading the text of an interview with a prominent retailer in Ireland (in business for over 40 years) who has a number of outlets – he was talking about the current sta
The Glamourous Toll Booth Woman!
Pulling into the Portlaoise toll booth and I know I am making good time for the meeting in the centre of Dublin, as long as traffic into the city is OK. That can be a lottery at ti
The Ultimate in Brand Loyalty, Bobby Stokes and a Pencil Case?
Chatting to a friend of mine last week the conversation came around to football, the Champions League Final and the ultimate in brand loyalty – the undying support for “
The Business Social Media Dilemma
It goes like this - as a PR company who always takes a broad "holistic" approach to communications we know and clearly understand the benefit of Social Media for our clients, in fa
The Fuzion Women and The Royal Wedding!
Now before I go any further let me stress that at Fuzion we have a team of intelligent, diligent and very hard working women .. “Oh my God” this is going to be the best
Are you spending enough on Positive Costs?
Positive costs are absolutely essential for generating business for any company - cutting these out may be viewed as a necessary step but it will eventually choke the oxygen of the
Have a Postitvely Fabulous Easter!
Sales - Increase your sales targets. We all know it’s not easy but tell the team you are budgeting for an increase (let everyone else do the opposite, prepare for the negative it
Writers Block!
I don't think anyone in the office will take up what was being offered any time soon but to those who delivered this unique gift through our letterbox we cannot thank you enough. T
Happy 5th Birthday Twitter – Valuable or Waste of time?
Twitter is like a radio station, you tune it in by following who you want - find the channels that you like. If someone is annoying you, don't follow them, block them, change the c
What’s in your boot?
We had the most interesting day with the Fuzion team the other day. We were being filmed for RTE’s new show, The Business Show. For this episode, the presenter, George Lee ha