When Fashion meets Politics – Melania Trump

Melania Trump - When fashion meets politics

Fashion designers around the world are torn when it comes to Melania Trump as it looks like the soon to be First Lady is paying the price for her husband’s controversial reputation and comments on issues such racism, sexism etc.

Since it became clear that Donald Trump will be the next US President a number of high profile fashion designers have made a stance and refused to dress his wife Melania Trump when she takes on her role as First Lady in January.

Historically designers queue up to dress the First Lady.

The current First Lady, Michelle Obama, has become a fashion icon since she shot into the limelight and dazzles on every occasion. Fashion designers around the world are eager to dress her and to date she has worn what have since become iconic looks.

This time however it seems Melania has very few offers on the table as designers such as Marc Jacobs, Derek Lamb, Tom Ford and Sophie Theallet (who dresses Michelle Obama) have all refused to dress her.

Marc Jacobs stated “I have no interest whatsoever in dressing Melania Trump. Personally, I’d rather put my energy into helping out those who will be hurt by Donald] Trump and his supporters.”

Tom Ford stated “I was asked to dress Melania Trump quite a few years ago and I declined…She’s not necessarily my image.”

Derek Lam stated “I don’t know Melania Trump personally, so I don’t wish my comments to seem I am prejudging her personal values, but I really don’t see myself getting involved with the Trump presidency.”

Sophie Theallet stated “As one who celebrates and strives for diversity, individual freedom and respect for all lifestyles, I will not participate in dressing or associating in any way with the next First Lady. The rhetoric of racism, sexism, and xenophobia unleashed by her husband’s presidential campaign are incompatible with the shared values we live by. I encourage my fellow designers to do the same.”

On the other side other designers such as Tommy Hilfiger, Thom Browne and Diane Von Furstenberg are some of the few designers who see Melania as The First Lady rather than Donald Trump’s wife and would be delighted to dress her.

Melania Trump - Fashion and Politics

Tommy Hilfiger stated “I think Melania is a very beautiful woman and I think any designer should be proud to dress her.”

Thom Browne stated “Out of respect for the position of the first lady of our United States, I would be honoured to be considered to design for any first lady of the United States.” 

Diane von Furstenberg statedMelania deserves the respect of any first lady before her.”

Who knows who will eventually dress Melania but my guess is whoever does, will get huge positive exposure in the fashion world as despite her or her husband’s beliefs she is a beautiful woman who would look good in anything.

She is already a fashion icon due to her celebrity status and no doubt as she takes on her role as The First Lady her fashion icon status will shoot through the roof so I’d imagine whatever designer gets the job of dressing her will in no way regret it.


Edel Cox is a Senior PR Account Manager with Fuzion who have offices in Dubliun and Cork, Ireland

Sources for this blog: WWD, Huffington Post, The Irish Independent, Quartz

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