21 Questions with… Deirdre Waldron
Welcome to the 13th (lucky for some!) of our Fuzion Friday series, where we put 21 devilishly difficult questions to a team member, giving you an insight that Freud would be prou
A Sliding Door moment for AIB
This week AIB announced 70 of its 170 branches would be turned into cashless outlets. The dogs in the street knew it was going to create havoc and a lot of negative publicity. It d
Our wonderful friend, Frank Scott Lennon
This week we were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of our very special friend and mentor/advisor, Frank Scott-Lennon, founder of HR For Better Workplaces and I just w
Our UK Crisis Communications Partner, Alder
Fuzion Communications are part of a European crisis communications network with the core purpose of providing clients with a network of experts in crisis communications should a pa
Crisis Communications & Lessons to be learned, The Ill Fated Announcement of a European Soccer Super League
The announcement of a new Super League for the top European soccer clubs, was one of the key news stories breaking this week across Europe and here in Ireland, even overtaking pand
Choose to Challenge – International Women’s Day
On international Women’s Day 2021, there is a particular theme that was calling women to action with a very proactive ask, “Choose to Challenge” which came with a
Remote Meetings – Rules of Engagement
Over the past few weeks from toddlers to elder lemons, we have all had a baptism of fire when it comes to remote meetings. While we are well used to them at this stage you can
Covid-19 Communications and Staying Safe
The recent news of Covid-19 or coronavirus coming to Ireland is of concern to us all. I am sure you are as glued to the quickly evolving story as we are. The HSE is advising the
Show Me The Money!!!!!
My poor colleagues (you know who you are!) over the last few days have had to put up with me and a gripe I have re certain Social Media Influencers. Working in communications, I kn
The end of the Business Card?
I was having a chat yesterday with a businessman who was saying how LinkedIn was his new business card – that when he meets a new business contact, instead of handing them a